You can contact us at

This email does not serve for direct communication with the office, this is only possible in the application after logging in or through direct contact with the office (via phone or email).

After signing up for the Emmy you can write any query to your particular doctor/doctor and bring order to your communication. So you save a lot of time not only to yourself, but especially to your health professionals, who will have more time to focus on what is most important - your health.

If you have trouble signing up, please call us at 222,360,060 When you are in front of the computer, we will be happy to help you!

If you are a physician/medical doctor, get in touch with us to arrange an Emmy performance. We will be happy to discuss everything with you and answer any questions. Emmy already uses over 100 surgeries. We will help you connect as well.

Sister Emma is run by:
Emmy Medical s.r.o.
Levohradecké náměstí 1066, 252 63 Roztoky u Prahy
IČ: 06785247 DIČ: CZ06785247