The voice of Emmy handles most of the calls for you

What about patients who even after the introduction Emmy are they still on the phone? Deploy an additional assistant Voice of Emma to handle their calls. He only transfers urgent calls to the office, and he enters the rest of the requests into Emma himself.

Why use the Voice of Emmy?

When you deploy Emmy software, you significantly reduce the number of incoming calls. Most patients start submitting their requests through the patient app straight to Emma. But the rest part will still call you. It is with these calls that Voice of Emma, a voicebot (voice assistant/robot) that works on the principle of artificial intelligence, will help you.

How does the Voice of Emmy work?

When the patient calls you, the voice assistant will answer the call. He asks the patient what he needs and has identification data dictated from him if he does not recognize him by the caller number. From the call prepares a literal transcriptwho enters the Emmys as a new requirement. Only if the call is urgent will they transfer it to the doctor's office.

For patients, processing a request via Voice of Emma is very simple, since they do not have to select options as in a virtual switchboard, but the call is conducted in a natural way. Almost the same, as if you were having fun with a living person.

If you have a patient in the carotid office with the correct phone number, the entire Voice of Emmy call can last up to one minute.

How Emmy's Voice helps at MUDr. Youngs

“After the first month of operation, Voice of Emmy received an average of 46 incoming calls per day. Only 5 patients said it was an urgent call and a voice assistant connected them directly to the nurse. So the Voice of Emma handled 41 non-urgent calls a day that a nurse would otherwise have to deal with. This gives her time for professional work.”

M.D. Adriana Young,
General Practitioner in Prague

How Emmy's Voice helps at MUDr. Tomka

“We are happy with how everything works. For us, it's great that the phones don't really ring and it's quiet. The nurses were surprised at first how many requests actually come over the phone, earlier some patients changed their minds and then they did not respond to the request. Now they are trying to teach patients that we respond to less acute demands later (previously, for example, prescriptions were sent as soon as possible). Going back to the status without the Voice of Emma would be hard now, nurses are getting used to the fact that they can handle requests in moments when they are more free and not tied to the phone, everything is more flexible. The doctor and the doctor really appreciate more peace of mind at work, they don't want to go back.”

Kristýna Šavelková, Operations Manager,
General Practitioner's office MUDr. Jiří Tomka, Chocen

How Emmy's Voice helps at MUDr. Schwarze

“I hear from the nurses and doctors who come to our practice that they have never experienced such silence in a doctor's office. Emma's voice transmits only 1-2 acute calls a day, rewrites the remaining requests into a decourse.

Based on the transcript, I then call patients back and provide them with a distance consultation. If you do 10 such consultations a day for 165 Kč, you will get 33 000 Kč per month. So the Voice of Emmy will earn on itself and, on top of that, it will greatly relieve the nurses who would otherwise have to answer the phones.”

M.D. Rodion Schwarz
General Practitioner in Velké Přílepy

What makes the voice of Emmy different from other voicebots

The voice of Emma is part of a comprehensive system for processing patient requirements. Text transcript of the call will be forwarded immediately to Emmy software as a new requirement and assigns clinical priority to it.

This makes you — unlike other stand-alone voicebots — saves a lot of work with evaluation and rewriting of recordings.

Try the voice of Emmy

Call the Voice of Emma with a fictitious request and you will test how the voice assistant works. It will process a transcript of the call.

What advantages does the voice of Emmy have

End of Rewriting

Emma's voice makes a transcript of the call and immediately relays the patient's request to Emmy. This will save you hours of time spent on the phone and writing notes.

You get peace of mind at work and time for patients

Only telephones from patients with acute difficulties will be connected to the office. This will give you time for uninterrupted care of the patient sitting in front of you.

He speaks and reacts like a human

Thanks to the responsive responses of the voice assistant, some patients do not even recognize that they are talking to the robot.

He answers the phone for life

Patients no longer have to wait on the line. Voicebot picks up the phone instantly and handles many parallel calls at once.

Without registration

Patients do not need to register anywhere, they just call as they always do.

You're not looking for another nurse or a call girl

The Emmy for a fraction of the price will hold a part-time nurse's job.

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How much does the voice of Emmy cost?

The voice of Emma costs a fixed amount of 1490 Kč per month (incl. VAT) for a typical office in the Czech Republic.

This amount is valid within 400 processed minutes per month. For the small minority of clinics that do not fit in, we offer Voice of Emma for 2490 Kč per month incl. VAT up to 700 processed minutes per month.

There are no set-up fees, after deciding to try The Voice of Emma, the office always pays only one month's flat rate.


How does the Voice of Emmy deployment work?
To initially set up voice of Emmy, all you need to do is redirect existing phone lines. It's easy — you can solve everything yourself, or at most with one phone call to the operator. We will advise you how to do it.

If you decide to use voice of Emmy for a long time or have special requirements for its operation, we will offer you a virtual PBX, again without setup fees.

Can I only use the Voice of Emmy for part of the day?
Ah yes. The office determines the times when the message “We are not practicing now” is played, when patients can be contacted normally, and when the Voice of Emma is operational.

Can I use the Voice of Emmy separately?
The voice of Emma is specially developed and optimized for use with Emmy software, so we do not deliver it separately, but it can be combined with the Basis tariff and thus the cheapest available combination costs 2.480 Kč/month incl. VAT. Learn more about Emmy software hereunder.

How do I receive urgent calls from Voice of Emma, or calls from partners?
You need to have a second phone number — either mobile or landline — where calls from voice of Emmy are forwarded back to the office. This phone number will not be seen by patients, nor do they need to know it. The same applies to calls from partners such as doctors, pharmacies, laboratories or insurance companies. There are also various options for setting up a virtual PBX for these purposes.

How long does it take to deploy Emmy software?
If you decide you want an Emmy, we will remotely deploy the system for you in approximately an hour, including voice of Emmy.

What exactly does 'processed minutes' mean in our Voice of Emmy fares?
The 'Voice of Emma 400' tariff offers up to 400 processed minutes, while the 'Voice of Emma 700' provides up to 700 processed minutes. One 'processed minute' corresponds to a minute of an interactive call between the caller and Voice of Emma. The opening message before the call counts as 1/6 of an interactive minute. All calls and calls are charged after 15 seconds. For example, in the 'Voice of Emmy 400', the office can use 350 interactive minutes and 300 minutes of opening statements (300 = 50 remaining minutes x 6).

Want to know more about how Emmy can help you in the office?

Arrange a non-binding online demo with us. We will introduce you to the Emmy and answer all your questions.

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M.D. Ondrej Sobotka

Founder and Chief Physician of Emmy

Tim Young

Founder and CEO