Webinar about what's new in Emmy and how it will make your work in the office easier
MUDr. Ondřej Sobotka is a long-time user of SmartMedix and in the webinar he shares tips and tricks that make his daily work in the outpatient software easier.
With Emmys, you can communicate with patients like in Internet banking
Do you want to allow patients to make appointments online and reduce phone calls in the doctor's office? Read the pluses and minuses of 9 different solutions + tips on what to look out for.
The founders of Emma were preparing articles for the expert press over the weekend about what the first experiences with Emma's virtual nurse are like.
This week Emmy Medical entered into an investment deal with startup studio TopMonks and a group of doctoring practices.
MUDr. Schwarz expects from Emma a considerable increase in comfort for patients, as well as a great streamlining of work for himself and his nurse.
Interview with MUDr. Sulíková began with a radio exam. After the requisite “I hear, I hear, here eagle, here eagle,” he continued in similarly lighthearted spirit.
Many users of SmartMedix have no idea how easy it is to set up the program to make our work easier.
Dr. Lískovcová launches the Emmys in Mladá Boleslav.
For technical questions or if you are interested in Emmy, you can contact us at podpora@sestraemmy.czCall us at+420 222 360 060