Tim Young
October 2, 2024

The clinic in Prague 6 invited 100 patients to be vaccinated with the help of SMS, despite 20 canceled appointments.

20 out of 100 vaccinations canceled, Emmy replaced them with left rear

The practice of MUDr. Young people at Prague 6 received the first 100 vaccines yesterday. Today's balance sheet to the planned vaccination thanks to Emma's logistics looks like this:

  • 10 patients vaccinated at home
  • 10 patients scheduled for tomorrow, 1 canceled by SMS
  • 80 patients for Friday (will be vaccinated in 3 “lines”) - 15 canceled by SMS, 5 have/have covid, 1 abroad, 1 “must not AZ”, other reasons not stated
  • 20 canceled dates replaced by new invitations a few hours after sending, the office is “full” again (= planned 100 vaccinations)

MUDr. Young commented, “We were careful, we were doing this for the first time, and it took only about 90 minutes to send and process SMS responses from patients. How we would have put it without Emma I can't imagine. And I am very glad that we gave patients the option to cancel via SMS, thus saving us a lot of worries on Friday.”

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