Case Study in Pediatrics

It used to take up to 3 days to order preventions, now only 15 minutes

Dr. Dostalová uses Emma's complete solution. The software in the office solved the complex process of inviting patients for preventive examinations as well as changing an inappropriate deadline. After less than 2 months of introduction, Emmy is used by a quarter of patients.

Thanks to this, the telephone lines remain free and parents who deal with acute cases are also contacted.

Zora Dostalová has worked as a paediatrician for more than 25 years, of which she has been running her own practice in Prague for the last nine years. It employs two nurses and has an exceptionally large population — a total of 1850 patients.

Podívejte se, jak Emmy pomáhá v ordinaci praktické lékařky.

„Pacienti jsou z Emmy nadšení a já na jedno kliknutí přeobjednám celé odpoledne.“

MUDr. Jana navrátilová

Thanks to Emmy, MUDr. Zora Dostalová has peace of mind at work. Ordering and reordering of patients takes place online and the telephone is free for acute cases.

“Re-ordering patients used to be a disaster. Now parents of children at Emmy simply choose a new term, and the phone line remains free for acute cases.

We're also seeing a 50% reduction in missed appointments thanks to the Emmy's automatic reminder.”

MUDr. Zora Dostálová
general practitioner for children and adolescents in Prague

Before the Emmy: the phones ringing around the clock

Ordering patients earlier was a disaster“, describes Dr. Dostalova. Date and time of preventive examination nurse every two years to parents of children older than 3 years sent manually by email. A lot of them didn't fit the deadline.

It was even more complicated in infants. Parents children under 1 year of age will be given an appointment for further preventive examinations immediately upon their visit surgery. “But They usually have something coming into it -- one day mom can't because she goes to another doctor. On Tuesdays they have a swim, and on Wednesday after lunch the baby sleeps...,” the pediatrician lists the most common reasons.

Reordering Requires up to a third of patients, with one such phone call to the nurse taking at least five minutes. “It was holding us back impossibly. In addition, parents who dealt with an acute problem could not reach us in the clinic,” he recalls.

In addition, Dr. Dostalová was distracted by phone calls during the examinations, even though she did not handle the calls herself:”In the office, my sisters and I often screamed and I couldn't concentrate fully on the patients. “

It was also not uncommon for patients to attend the appointment They didn't show up at all. In that case, the nurse picked up the phone and intricately searched with her parents for a new term.

Podívejte se, jak Emmy pomáhá v ordinaci praktické lékařky.

„Pacienti jsou z Emmy nadšení a já na jedno kliknutí přeobjednám celé odpoledne.“

MUDr. Jana navrátilová

Before starting of using Emmy, the practice had to spend a lot of time on the phone booking and rebooking patients.

The nurse on sick leave expedited the Emmy acquisition

Emmy caught Dr. Dostalova's eye back in the fall. „On Congressional Primary Care I talked to Mr. Young from Emma and told him about the complications of ordering and reordering patients“, recalls the doctor.

Until then, she had only heard of payphones. “Voicebots would our woes with overloaded phones did not resolve. I needed a comprehensive system that could handle so much more,” clarifies why she was intrigued by the Emmys.

The decision to buy the Emmy accelerated The departure of one of the sisters on a six-week no-brainer. “I knew we couldn't handle the onslaught of phone calls, organising checkups and vaccinations. That's why I immediately contacted Mr. Young, saw webinar and Emmy ordered,” describes the pediatrician.

Tailor-made Emmy customization

With the adjustment of the requirements according to the focus of the clinic, Emma calculates and can adapt not only to pediatrics, but also to other specializations (e.g. urologists). It also allows customization of structured questionnaires and phrases.

Selection of requirements in the interface of the Emmy for pediatric practice in Prague.
The Emmy offers doctors 56 preset phrases that are categorized by type of response. Phrases can edit or create their own.

“Emmy can do a lot of things and she keeps improving,” recounts. “I can do most of the work on my own. When it comes to something more complex, I'll consult with Mr. Young. For questions reacts lightning-fast, he is patient and always comes up with the most effective solution.

The junior nurse learned to work fully within a week in Emmy's software. Control for her was simple and intuitive. The doctor does not force the other nurse to use Emmy: “She is retiring in June, technology is alien to her and even though Emmy is currently only actively controlled by one of the nurses, we are incredibly relieved at the surgery.

Parents know Emmy from their practitioners

The doctor sent a mass email to all parents saying that the office was using Emmy. In addition, with the same information, they learned:

  • upon Websites,
  • in the waiting room from the leaflets and the monitor for loading health cards
  • in by telephone contact with the office.

“Emmy has perfectly processed materials for informing patientsthat we were inspired by in our office, She commends herself as a doctor.
I was surprised that a lot of parents already have emmy with their practitioners.” Describes the doctor. In the Emma interface, they then ask to be able to represent their child. Then, in the profile, in addition to their name, they will also see the names of their children, for which they communicate with the office.

To represent the child, parents ask the office directly in Emmy.

Ordering online Even those who did not know Emmy are appreciated for the specific time: “It certainly plays a role in this because they are younger years and they control both the computer and the phone without problems, the oldest dad in our office was born in 1960. “

Podívejte se, jak Emmy pomáhá v ordinaci praktické lékařky.

„Pacienti jsou z Emmy nadšení a já na jedno kliknutí přeobjednám celé odpoledne.“

MUDr. Jana navrátilová

The office sees a reduction of missed appointments by up to 50% thanks to the automatic reminder that Emmy sends.

The end of rounding and calling patients

Emmy met the main expectation: it simplified the ordering process. “We invite about 60 children per month for preventive examinations. She's a nurse before 2 to 3 days in a month, she sat at her computer and sent out invitation emails to everyone separately. And subsequently spent hours reordering“, recalls the doctor.

Now, for the first time, when I was ordering in bulk patients who would complete an odd year the next month, it took me about a quarter of an hour,” complimenting the bulk ordering feature. “I choose a group of patients to order and Emmy sends them an email invitation for a specific time. When the deadline does not suit them and they are registered in the Emmys, They will immediately reorder.. If they don't have an Emmy, they'll call us at the doctor's office and we'll ask them to register with her.“clarifies the new system of functioning.

At each checkup, the nurse will ask the parents about the validity of the phone number and email. This keeps the contact database up to date. “The great thing is that Emma's parents are sent tour alerts 3 days and 1 day in advance. Thanks to this, we observe Reduction of missed appointments by up to 50%, even though the reminder ends up in spam from time to time,“says the doctor. In addition to Emma's emails, she can also send bulk SMS messages to patients.

In the same way Emmy helps, for example, when inviting patients for compulsory vaccination in 10 years against tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough and polio.

The telephone in the doctor's office remains as the main communication channel for acute cases even after the introduction of the Emmy. Everything else is solved by new software.

Other benefits of the Emmy

In color-resolved and a clear calendar Dr. Dostalová sees all the patients ordered and the reason for their visit:”I know what awaits me that day and I don't have to look for it in a few places.“In addition, the system can be viewed calmly even from home outside working hours. She just needs an internet browser to do that.

Flexible Emmy settings Dr. Dostalová used it when planning examinations of three- and five-year-old children. “Children at this age do not cooperate and communication with them tends to be difficult. That's why Emmy will arrange a maximum of one such preventive check-up per day.

The doctor also praises better use of office hours:”Before the introduction of Emmy, it used to happen that nurses would no longer book any patients for the last half hour because they wanted to go home early,“recalls Dr. Dostalova. “When I brought it to their attention, it always lasted a week at most. It was only Emmy who solved the situation.“evaluates.

Since the introduction of Emmy, only a female doctor has had the layout of the doctor's office hours in her hands. Thus, more patients will be checked in daily, as they operate until the end of the opening hours.

Emma helped with the surgery covid isolations. “I created a structured questionnaire where I asked parents, for example, when the child had been in contact with an infected person, whether they had undergone a test or had been contacted by hygiene“, says the doctor. She then simply copied the questionnaire data into her card, which saved her a lot of time.

Podívejte se, jak Emmy pomáhá v ordinaci praktické lékařky.

„Pacienti jsou z Emmy nadšení a já na jedno kliknutí přeobjednám celé odpoledne.“

MUDr. Jana navrátilová

In the color-coded and clear calendar, Dr. Dostalová sees all the patients ordered and the reason for their visit.

For forgetful parents, Emmy is number one

In addition to reminding you of the upcoming deadline, Emmy has also been excellent at sending copies of testimonials for summer camps, ski trips, swimming classes or even requests for speech therapy“ says the doctor.

At each preventive examination, the opinion is forwarded to the parents with the addendum to get it kept until the next visit. However, more than half of them lose a two-year assessment.

Printed and uncollected requisitions previously piled up, and eventually nurses had to shred them. “Now we save both space and paper. We always scan the document to the computer, including the stamp and signature. When parents lose the paper, they ask us to sending a copy via Emmy.

The potential of Emmy in Pediatrics

Support of Emmy is great, as is developing new and improving existing features“, appreciates the doctor. For example, since last week at the Emmys, a new functionality has been added — detailed filtering of the file folder by age right at the Emmy. For me, this means a much more comfortable job - I do not need to export data from the outpatient software and then import data to Emma when calling patients in bulk,” he clarifies.

Emmy brought order and peace to our practice. I would recommend it to all doctors — even to those who are struggling with similar specifics as pediatrics in their field. Emma's flexibility is incredible. And at the same time, it is really easy to use,“ concludes Zora Dostalová.

Want to know more about how Emmy can help you in the office?

Arrange a non-binding online demo with us. We will introduce you to the Emmy and answer all your questions.

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M.D. Ondrej Sobotka

Founder and Chief Physician of Emmy

Tim Young

Founder and CEO